Open Algebra Software
No Matches
Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT > Class Template Reference

#include <Oasis/UnaryExpression.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >:
Collaboration diagram for Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >:

Public Member Functions

 UnaryExpression ()=default
 UnaryExpression (const UnaryExpression &other)
 UnaryExpression (const OperandT &operand)
auto Copy () const -> std::unique_ptr< Expression > final
 Copies this expression.
auto Equals (const Expression &other) const -> bool final
 Compares this expression to another expression for equality.
auto Generalize () const -> std::unique_ptr< Expression > final
 Converts this expression to a more general expression.
auto GetOperand () const -> const OperandT &
auto HasOperand () const -> bool
auto StructurallyEquivalent (const Expression &other) const -> bool final
 Checks whether this expression is structurally equivalent to another expression.
auto SetOperand (const OperandT &operand) -> void
auto Substitute (const Expression &var, const Expression &val) -> std::unique_ptr< Expression > override
std::any AcceptInternal (Visitor &visitor) const override
 This function serializes the expression object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Oasis::Expression
virtual auto Differentiate (const Expression &) const -> std::unique_ptr< Expression >
 Tries to differentiate this function.
auto FindZeros () const -> std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Expression > >
 The FindZeros function finds all rational real zeros, and up to 2 irrational/complex zeros of a polynomial.
virtual auto GetCategory () const -> uint32_t
 Gets the category of this expression.
virtual auto GetType () const -> ExpressionType
 Gets the type of this expression.
virtual auto Integrate (const Expression &) const -> std::unique_ptr< Expression >
 Attempts to integrate this expression using integration rules.
virtual auto IntegrateWithBounds (const Expression &, const Expression &, const Expression &) -> std::unique_ptr< Expression >
 Attempts to integrate this expression using integration rules.
template<IExpression T>
bool Is () const
 Gets whether this expression is of a specific type.
template<template< typename > typename T>
requires (DerivedFromUnaryExpression<T<Expression>> && !DerivedFromBinaryExpression<T<Expression>>)
bool Is () const
template<template< typename, typename > typename T>
requires DerivedFromBinaryExpression<T<Expression, Expression>>
bool Is () const
virtual auto Simplify () const -> std::unique_ptr< Expression >
 Simplifies this expression.
template<IVisitor T>
std::optional< typename T::RetT > Accept (T &visitor) const
virtual ~Expression ()=default

Protected Attributes

std::unique_ptr< OperandT > op

Additional Inherited Members

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ UnaryExpression() [1/3]

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::UnaryExpression ( )

◆ UnaryExpression() [2/3]

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::UnaryExpression ( const UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT > & other)

◆ UnaryExpression() [3/3]

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::UnaryExpression ( const OperandT & operand)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptInternal()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
std::any Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::AcceptInternal ( Visitor & visitor) const

This function serializes the expression object.

visitorThe serializer class object to write the Expression data.

Implements Oasis::Expression.

◆ Copy()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
auto Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::Copy ( ) const -> std::unique_ptr< Expression >

Copies this expression.

A copy of this expression.

Implements Oasis::Expression.

◆ Equals()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
auto Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::Equals ( const Expression & other) const -> bool

Compares this expression to another expression for equality.

Two expressions are equal if they are structurally equivalent and have the same value. While this method considers the associativity and commutativity of expressions, it does not simplify the expressions before comparing them. For example, Add<Real>(Real(1), Real(2)) and Add<Real>(Real(2), Real(1)) are not equal, despite being structurally equivalent.

otherThe other expression.
Whether the two expressions are equal.

Implements Oasis::Expression.

◆ Generalize()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
auto Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::Generalize ( ) const -> std::unique_ptr<Expression>

Converts this expression to a more general expression.

Some expressions may explicitly specify the type of their operands. For example, a Divide<Real> expression may only accept Real operands. This function converts the expression to a more general expression, such as Divide<Expression>, which accepts any expression as an operand.

The generalized expression.

Reimplemented from Oasis::Expression.

◆ GetOperand()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
auto Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::GetOperand ( ) const -> const OperandT&

◆ HasOperand()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
auto Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::HasOperand ( ) const -> bool

◆ SetOperand()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
auto Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::SetOperand ( const OperandT & operand) -> void

◆ StructurallyEquivalent()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
auto Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::StructurallyEquivalent ( const Expression & other) const -> bool

Checks whether this expression is structurally equivalent to another expression.

Two expressions are structurally equivalent if the share the same tree structure. For example, Add<Real>(Real(1), Real(2)) and Add<Real>(Real(2), Real(1)) are structurally equivalent despite having different values.

otherThe other expression.
Whether the two expressions are structurally equivalent.

Implements Oasis::Expression.

◆ Substitute()

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
auto Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::Substitute ( const Expression & var,
const Expression & val ) -> std::unique_ptr<Expression>

Implements Oasis::Expression.

Member Data Documentation

◆ op

template<template< IExpression > class DerivedT, IExpression OperandT>
std::unique_ptr<OperandT> Oasis::UnaryExpression< DerivedT, OperandT >::op

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